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  • PD (AUS) Dr. med Claudia Paola Ferrier-Guerra
Clinica Sant'Anna

PD. (AUS) Dr. med. Claudia Paola Ferrier-Guerra

Specialista in Nefrologia e specialista in medicina interna generale, membro FMH

Area di competenza (4)
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Studio (1)

Nefrocentro Ticino
Via Golf 40
CH-6987 Caslano

Nefrocentro Ticino
Via Soldino 7 - 1° Piano
CH-6900 Lugano


dal 2017

Master of Advanced Studies, MAS in economia e management sanitario e sociosanitario (Net-MEGS)


Australian Higher degree of Doctor of Medicine (PD equivalent), University of Melbourne


Titolo di specialista FMH in Nefrologia


Titolo di specialista FMH in medicina interna


Dottorato in medicina, Università di Berna, Svizzera


Laurea in Medicina, Università di Berna, Svizzera

Esperienze professionali

dal 2019

Executive Director del Nefrocentro Ticino, titolare dello studio medico specialistico in nefrologia

1997 - 2018

Fondatrice e direttrice del Centro Dialisi Dr.ssa Ferrier Sagl e titolare studio medico di nefrologia

1995 - 1997

Medico consulente in nefrologia, reparto di nefrologia e medico consulente per le malattie renali in gravidanza, Frauenklinik; Inselspital Bern

1994 - 1995

Ricercatrice senior, Università di Losanna

1991 - 1994

Ricercatrice in nefrologia e medicina ostetrica Royal Melbourne Hospital, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (Prof. P. Kincaid-Smith & Prof. G. Becker)

1989 - 1991

Medico aggiunto in ambito delle malattie cardiovascolari, l’ipertensione e la farmacologia Clinica. Baker Medical Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia

1986 - 1989

Specializzazione in nefrologia e medicina interna. Policlinico di medicina, Università di Berna


Visiting Medical Officer in radiologia e malattie infettive, St. Vincent Hospital Worcester, MA, USA

1983 - 1986

Medico assistente in medicina interna (incl. nefrologia), Università di Berna, Policlinico di Medicina (Prof. Reubi)

1983 - 1984

Medico assistente in medicina interna, Ospedale Italiano, Lugano. (Prof. Carlo Beretta-Piccoli)

1982 - 1983

Medico assistente, malattie respiratorie, Divisione di Pneumologia, Università di Berna


Ricercatrice, Medizinische Poliklinik, Divisione ipertensione, Università di Berna


  1. Ferrier CP, Bianchetti MG, Beretta-Piccoli CF, Link L, Bachmann C, Weidmann P.
    Studies on the mechanism of acute glucose-induced aldosterone suppression. Role of corticotropin. Acta Endocrinol 1983;103:391-399

IF: 2.101


  1. Nuetzi D, Beretta-Piccoli CF, Ferrier CP, Link L, Weidmann P. Studies on acute glucose-induced aldosterone suppression: Role of renin-angiotensin system. Klin Wochenschr 1984;62:213-217

IF: 0.963


  1. Bianchetti MG, Weidmann P, Beretta-Piccoli C, Rupp U, Boehringer K, Link L,
    Ferrier C. Disturbed noradrenergic blood pressure control in normotensive members
    of hypertensive families. Br Heart J 1984;51:306-311

IF: 2.060


  1. Ferrier CP, Beretta-Piccoli CF, Weidmann P, Mordasini R. Alpha-1-adrenergic blockade and lipoprotein metabolism in essential hypertension. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1986;40:525-530

IF: 4.394


  1. Beretta-Piccoli CF, Ferrier CP, Weidmann P. Alpha-1-adrenergic blockade and cardiovascular pressor responses in essential hypertension. Hypertension 1986;8:407-417

IF: 4.253


  1. Bianchetti L, Ferrier, Beretta-Piccoli C, Fraser R, Morton JJ, Ziegler WH. Adrenergic activity and alosterone regulation: no evidence for alpha-1 adrenoceptor-mediated influence in normal subjects. Clinical Endrocrinol (Oxf) 1986;25:87-95

IF: 3.101


  1. Bianchetti MG, Beretta-Piccoli CF, Weidmann P, Ferrier C. Blood pressure control in normotensive members of hypertensive families. Kidney Int 1986;29:882-888

IF: 3.101


  1. Bianchetti MG, Weidmann P, Beretta Piccoli CF, Ferrier C. Potassium and norepinephrine- or angiotensin-mediated pressor control in pre-hypertension. Kidney Int 1987;31:956-963

IF: 3.781

  1. Ferrier C, Weidmann P, Hollmann R, Dietler R, Shaw S. Impaired response of atrial natriuretic factor to high salt intake in hypertension-prone man. N Engl J Med 1988;319:1223.1224

IF: 28.660


  1. Ferrier C, Kurtz A, Lehner P, Shaw S, Pusterla C, Saxenhofer H, Weidmann P. Stimulation of renin secretion by potassium-channel activation with cromakalin. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1989;36:443-447

IF: 1.420


  1. Ferrier C, Beretta-Piccoli C,  Weidmann P, Gnaedinger M, Shaw S, Suchecka-Rachon K, Saxenhofer H. Hypotension and renal impairment during infusion of atrial natriuretic factor in liver cirrhosis with ascites. Am J Nephrol 1989;9:921-299

       IF: 1.091


  1. Suda S, Weidmann P, Saxenhofer H, Cottier C, Shaw S, Ferrier C. Atrial natriuretic factor in mild to moderate chronic renal failure. Hypertension 1988;11:483-490

IF: 4.253


  1. Saxenhofer H, Angst, Weidmann P, Shaw S, Ferrier C. Corticosteroid-induced stimulation of atrial natriuretic peptide in man. Acta Endocrinol 1988;118:179-186

       IF: 2.101


  1. Weidmann P, Schohn D, Gnaedinger MP, Buergisser E, Ferrier C, Jahn H. Hypertensive dysregulation and its modification by calcium channel blockade in
    chronic non-oliguric renal failure. Am I Nephrol 1989; 9:269-278
    IF: 1.091


  1. Uehlinger DE, Ferrier C, Weidmann P, Matthieu R, Reuter K, Gnaedinger M, Saxenhofer H, Shaw S, Risen W. Antihypertensive contribution of sodium depletion and the sympathetic axis during chronic angiotensin II converting enzyme inhibition.
    J. Hypertens 1989;7:901-907 IF: 3.066


  1. Ferrari P, Ferrier C, Franschini L, Saxenhofer H, Shaw S, Weidmann P. Atrial natriuretic factor and autonomic nervous system function in man. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1990;38:25-30
    IF: 3.066


  1. Ferrari P, Weidmann P, Ferrier C, Dietler R, Hollman R, Shaw S. Dysregulation of atrial natriuretic factor in hypertension-prone man. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1990; 71:944-951
    IF: 5.641


  1. Ferrier C, Ferrari P, Weidmann P, Keller U, Beretta-Piccoli C, Riesen W. Efficacy and tolerance of antihypertensive therapy with the calcium channel blocker verapamil and/or the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor enalapril in diabetic patients. Diabetes Care 1991;14:911-914
    IF: 4.180


  1. Eisenhofer G, Meredith I, Ferrier C, Cox E, Lambert G, Jennings G, Esler E. Plasma dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) is dependent on sympathetic activity in humans. J Lab Clin Med 1991;117:266-273
    IF: 2.04


  1. Eisenhofer G, Esler M, Meredith I, Ferrier C, Lambert G, Jennings G. Neuronal re-uptake of noradrenaline by sympathetic nerves in humans. Clin Sci 1991;80:257-263
    IF: 2.091


  1. Angus J, Ferrier C, Sudhir K, Jennings G. Impaired contraction and relaxation in skin resistance arteries from patients with congestive heart failure. Cardiovasc Res 1993;27:204-210
    IF: 2.996


  1. Saxenhofer H, Morger D, Weidmann P, Ferrier C, Shaw S. Modulation of noradrenergic but not angiotensinergic blood pressure control by beta-blockade with carteolol. J Hypertens 1991;9:1049-1056
    IF: 4.253


  1. Ferrier C, Esler M, Eisenhofer G, Wallin G, Horne M, Cox H, Lamberg G, Jennings G. Increased norepinephrine spillover into the jugular veins in essential hypertension. Hypertension 1992;19:62-69
    IF: 4.253


  1. Wallin G, Esler M, Dorward P, Eisenhofer G, Ferrier C, Westerman R, Jennings G. Simultaneous measurements of cardiac noradrenaline spillover and sympathetic outflow to skeletal muscle in humans. J Physiol 1992;453:45-58

       IF: 4.727


  1. Ferrier C, Cox H, Esler M. Elevated total body noradrenaline spillover in normotensive members of hypertensive families. Clin Sci 1993;84:225-230

       IF: 2.091


  1. Ferrier C, Jennings G, Eisenhofer G, Lambert G, Cox H, Kallf V, Kelly M, Esler M. Evidence for increased noradrenaline release from subcortical brain regions in essential hypertension. J Hypertens 1993;11:1217-1227
    IF: 3.066


  1. Ferrier C, North R, Becker G, Townend K, Kincaid-Smith P. Uterine Artery Waveform Indices in the second trimester: Resistance Index, Notch measurement and placental position. J Obstet & Gynaecol 1994;14:237-243


  1. North R, Ferrier C, Long D, Townend Kkincaid-Smith P. Uterine artery Doppler Flow Velocity Waveform indices in the second trimester for the prediction of preeclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation. Obstet Gynaecol 1994;83:378-386

IF: 2.252


  1. Ferrier C, Kincaid-Smith P et al. Doppler ultrasound of uterine arteries for prediction of superimposed pre-eclampsia in pregnant women with underlying renal disease. Clin Nephrol 1994;42:362-368
    IF: 1.437


  1. Ferrier C, Anapalahan M, Becker G, Kincaid-Smith P. Renal vascular changes and uterine artery resistance in pregnant women with renal disease. Nephron 1994;68:405
    IF: 1.561


  1. Esler M, Lambert G, Ferrier C, Kaye D, Wallin G, Kallf M, Kelly M, Jennings G. Central nervous system noradrenergic control of sympathetic outflow in normotensive and hypertensive humans. Clin Exp Hypertens 1995; 17:409-423

IF: 1.025


  1. North RA, Ferrier C, Gamble G. Fairley K, Kincaid-Smith P. Prevention of preeclampsia with prophylactic heparin and anti-platelet agents in women with renal disease. Aust NZ Obstet Gynaecol 1995;35:357-362


  1.  Depairon M, Ferrier CP, Tutta P, Descombes E, van Melle G, Wauters JP. Is ther a place for duplex screening of brachial artery in haemodialysis patients with vascular  access? VASA  2001; 30: 53-58


  1. Ferrier C. Ematuria: Approccio Diagnostico. Tribuna medica Ticinese 2003; 68:5-11


  1. Barbey F, Nseir G, Ferrier C, Burnier M, Daudon M. Inhibiteurs de l'anhydrase carbonique et lithiase urinaire phosphocalcique. Nephrologie  2004; 25: 169-172


  1. Casella R, Ferrier C, Giudici G, Dickenmann M, Gianini O, Hoesli I, Bachmann A, Sulser T. Surgical management of renal cell Carcinoma during the second trimester of pregnancy. Urol Int 2006; 76-180-181


  1. Antiplatelet agents for prevention of pre-eclampsia: a meta-analysis of individual patient data. Askie LM et la on behalf of the PARIS COLLABORATIVE GROUP. Lancet  2007


  1. Samaras D, Samaras N, Antonini P, Ferrier C, Vogt-Ferrier N. Determining drug causation from geriatric clinical observations: The case study of a suspected hypersensitivity vasculitis with glomerular involvement associated with lansoprazole. European Geriatric Medicine 2010, 5: 310-313


  1. Gamondi C, Galli N, Schönholzer C, Marone C, Zwahlen U, Gabutti L, Bianchi G,  Ferrier C, Cereghetti C & Giannini O.  Frequency and severity of pain and symptom distress among patients with chronic kidney disease receiving dialysis. Swiss Med Wkly, 2013; 143:




  1. Ferrier C, Beretta-Piccoli CF, Weidmann P, Bianchetti MG. Different blood pressure responses to diuretic treatment in normotensive subjects with and without a family history of hypertension. J Hypertens 1983;1(Suppl 2):31-34


  1. Bianchetti MG, Beretta-Piccoli CF, Weidmann P, Link L, Boehringer K, Ferrier C. Calcium and blood pressure regulation in normal and hypertensive subjects. Hypertension 1983;5 (Suppl 2):57-65


  1. Bianchetti MG, Beretta-Piccoli CF, Weidmann P, Ferrier C, Link L, Gerber A. Correction of cardiovascular hypersensitivity to norepinephrine by potassium supplementation in normotensive members of hypertensive families and patients
    with essential hypertens. J Hypertens 1984;2(Suppl 3):445-448


  1. Beretta-Piccoli CF, Ferrier CP, Weidmann P. Cardiovascular effects of short-term selective alpha-1-adrenergic blockade with terazosin in patients with essential hypertension. J. Hypertens 1985;3(Suppl 3):S231-S234


  1. Gerber A, Weidmann P, Bianchetti MG, Ferrier C, Laederach K, Mordasini R, Riesen W, Bachmann C. Serum lipoproteins during treatment with the antihypertensive agent indapamide. Hypertension 1985;7(Suppl 2):164-169


  1. Weidmann P, Saxenhofer H, Ferrier C, Shaw S. Atrial natriuretic peptide in man. Am J Nephrol 1988;8:1-14


  1. Weidmann P, Ferrier CP, Saxenhofer H, Uehlinger DE, Trost BN. Serum lipoproteins during treatment with antihypertensive drugs. Drugs 1988;35(Suppl 6):118-23


  1. Esler M, Ferrier C, Lambert G, Eisenhofer G, Cox H, Jennings G. Biochemical evidence of sympathetic hyperreactivity in human hypertension. Hypertension 1991;17(Suppl III):29-35


  1. Weidmann P, Ferrari P, Alleman Y, Ferrier C, Shaw S. Developing essential hypertension: A syndrome involving ANF deficiency? Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1991;69:1582-1591


  1. Ferrier C, Ferrari P, Weidmann P, Keller U, Beretta-Piccoli C, Riesen WF. Swiss Hypertension Treatment Programme with Verapamil and/or Enalapril in Diabetic Patients. Drugs 1992;(Suppl 1):74-84


  1. Lambert G, Ferrier C, Kaye D, Cox H, Turner A, Jennings G, Esler M. Monoaminergic neuronal activity in subcortical brain regions in essetial hypertension. Blood Pressure  1994:55-66


  1. Lambert G, Ferrier C, Jennings G, Kallf M, Kelly M, Turner A, Esler M. Central nervous system norepinephrine turnover un essential hypertension. Ann New York Ac Sci 1995; 763:679-694


  1. Ferrier C. Physiopathologie de la preeclampsie: Aspets actuels. Méd Hyg 1995;53:397-400


  1. Ferrier C, Wauters JP. Maladies rénales et grossese. Méd Hyg 1995;53:401-405


  1. Dürig P, Ferrier C, Schneider H. Hypertensive Schwangerschaftserkrankungen. Therapeutische Umschau, 1999; 56: 561-567


  1. Weidmann P, Saxenhofer H, Ferrier C. Atrial natriuretic peptide in man. In: Functional Morphology of the Endocrine Heart. Frossmann WG et al eds, Steinkopf Verlag, Darmstadt 1989


  1. Saxenhofer H, Cottier C, Suda S, Shaw S, Ferrier CP, Weidmann P. Limited role of right atrial pressure in the actute control of circulating atrial natriuretic factor. In: American Society of hypertension Symposium Series, Volume 3. Advances in atrial peptide research. Brenner BM, Laragh JH eds, 1989.


  1. Lambert GW, Kaye DM, Thompson JM, Turner AG, Ferrier C, Cox HS, Vaz M, Wilkinson D, Meredith IT, Jennings GL, Esler MD. Catecholamine metabolites in internal jugular plasma: A window into the human brain. In: Catecholamines: Bridging Basic Science with Clinical Medicine. Edited by D. Goldstein. Vol. 42 of Advances in Pharmacology, 1997


  1. Ferrier C, Gallery E. Pregnancy and therapeutic measures in the patient with diabetic nephropathy.  In: Diabetic Nephropathy. Edited by Geoffrrey Boner & Mark Cooper, 199-206: 2003


  1. Roncelli N, Ferrier C, Dürig P, Köferl U, Frey F, Schneider H. Underlying maternal diseases in women who suffered fron severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. N. Roncelli, MD Thesis, University of Berne, 18th December 2000


  1. Ferrier Claudia. Uterine Artery Doppler Ultrasound: Prediction of Pregnancy Outcome in Women with Renal Disease. MD THESIS (PD Equivalent) University of Melbourne, 1995.


  1. Ferrier Claudia. Il ruolo della certificazione ISO 9001:2008 nel management e nel controllo della qualità di un centro dialisi. MASTER THESIS (MAS), Università della Svizzera Italiana, 2017



Ferrier C, Beretta-Piccoli C, Weidmann P, Mordasini R. Alpha-1-adrenergic blockade and lipoprotein metabolism in essential hypertension. First International Symposium on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, Geneva, Switzerland, April 22-26, 1985


Ferrier C, Beretta-Piccoli C, Weidmann P, Gnaedinger M, Shaw S, Suchecka-Tachon K, Saxenhofer H. Hypotension and renal impairment during infusion of atrial nariuretic factor in liver cirrhosis with ascites. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Nephrology, Lausanne, Switzerland, December 2-4, 1988


Ferrier C, Hollman R, Dietler R, Shaw S, Weidmann P. Impaired response of atrial nariuretic factor to high saly intake in hypertension-prone man. 21st Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, San Antonio, USA, December 11-14, 1988


Ferrier C, Ferrari P, Weidmann P, Keller U, Riesen W. Renal and metabolic effects of antihypertensive therapy with verapamil and/or enalapril in patients with diabetes mellitus. 20th Meeting of the German Society of Nephrology, Berne, Switzerland, September 17-20, 1989


Ferrier C, Jenning G, Angus J, Dart A. Impaired contraction and relaxation in resistance arteries of patients with congestive heart failure. 38th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, Hobart, Australia, May 1990


Ferrier C, Esler M, Jennings G, Eisenhofer G, Lambert G, Cox H, Wallin G, Horne M. Catecholamine spillover methodology for studying central nervous system turnover in essential hypertension. 13th Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Montreal, Canada, June 26-29, 1990


Ferrier C, Ferrari P, Weidmann P, Keller U, Riesen W. The Swiss Hypertension Treatment Program in Diabetes: Antihypertensive effects of verapamil or enalapril in diabetes associated hypertension. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Diabetes Society, Perth, September 25-27, 1990


Ferrier C, Jennings G, Eisenhofer G, Lambert G, Cox H, Kallf V, Kelly M, Esler M. Evidence for increased subcortical noradrenaline release in essential hypertensive patients. 14th Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension. Madrid, Spain, June 15-19, 1992


Ferrier C, Cox H & Esler M. Elevated total body adrenaline spillover in normotensive members of hypertensive families. 14th Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension, Madrid, Spain, June 15-19, 1992


Ferrier C, North R, Fairley K, Becker G, Dong FP & Kincaid-Smith P. Doppler ultrasound of uterine arteries for prediction of pregnancy-induced hypertension in women with underlying renal disease. 8th World Congress of International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 8-12, 1992


Ferrier C, Anpalahan M, Becker G, Cincotta R & Kincaid-Smith P. Pre-pregnancy renal vascular changes are associated with increased uterine artery resistance and predict the development of preeclampsia. 9th World Congress of International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Sydney, Australia, March 15-18, 1994


Ferrier C, Taminelli L, Wauters JP. Pregnancy in renal disease. Experience of a single Swiss Center. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Nephrology, Lausanne, Switzerland, December 7-8, 1995


Ferrier C, North R, Becker G, Kincaid-Smith P. Aspirin does not prevent, but delays the onset of preeclampsia in pregnancies with increased uteroplacental resistance. 10th World Congress of International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy, Seattle, USA, August, 1996


Ferrier C, Spichtig S, Schneider H, Frey F. Subarachnoidal hemorrhage and ventricular bleeding as first presentation of severe preeclampsia. A case-report. 10th World Congress of International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy, Seattle, USA, August, 1996


Ferrier C, Pfister M, Montandon A, Frey F. Obstetric Outcome in women with renal transplant: A 15 years experience. 10th World Congress of International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy, Seattle, USA, August, 1996


Ferrier C, Durig P, Frey F, Schneider H. Severe early-onset preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome are associated with underlying essential hypertension. XIV International Congress of Nephrology, Sydney, Australia, May 25-29 1997


Ferrier C, North R, Becker G, Fairley K, Kincaid-Smith P. Sucessfull pregnancy outcome in women with reflux nephropathy, normal renal function and uterine artery Doppler. XIV International Congress of Nephrology, Sydney, Australia, May 25-29 1997


Ferrier C, Köferl U, Dürig P, Schneider H. LMW-heparin and low-dose aspirin for prevention of preeclampsia: preliminary data of a randomized prospective study. 11th World Congress of International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy, Kobe, Japan, October, 1998


Ferrier C, Köferl U, Dürig P, Schneider H. Effects of LMW-heparin and low-dose Aspirin on renal uric acid handling in high risk pregnancies. 12th World Congress of the International Society for Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Paris, France, July 2000


Ferrier C, Kürmann P, Antonini P, Belloni F, Vogt N. Acute glomerulonephritis and lanzoprazole therapy: A possible assosiation. 37th Annual Meeting Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology. Darwin 5-7 Sept. 2001 (Poster)


Ferrier C, Giudici G, Dickemann M, Gianini O, Hoesli I, Beck EA, Sulser T. Pregnancy, hypertension, suspected thrombophilia and renal mass: An unusual case-report. 39th Annual Meeting Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology. Perth 31.8-3 Sept. 2003 (Poster)


Ferrier C, Gallery E, Hösli I, Giudici G, Steiger J. The impact of interdisciplinary follow-up after preeclampsia in subsequent pregnancy. 42nd Annual Meeting Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology. Melbourne 14-18 August 2006 (Poster)


Ferrier C, Jozefowsky J, Meister G, Hösli I. Premature contractions: an unsual presentation of primary hyperparathyroidism: A sase Report. International Society of Obstetric Medicine Congress (ISOM). Melbourne 1-3 October 2010 (Poster)


Ferrier C, et al. Outcome of acute kidney injury in a base hospital in Ticino, Southern Switzerland: Experience of a single Center. 46th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Nephrology. Interlaken 3-5 December 2014 (Poster)


Ferrier-Guerra C, et al. Hydrogen –peroxide-based HyperDRYMistR Technology massively reduces bacterial contamination in dialysis center. ISN World Congress of Nephrology. Cape Town, 13-17 March 2015 (Poster)


Scoglio M, et al. Long Term renal outcome in lithium-treated patients: experience of a single swiss centre. 47th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Nephrology. Basel 3-4 December 2015 (Poster)


Ferrier C, et al. Focal and segmental Glomerulosclerosis after long-term heroin use in a Caucasian man: A case report. 15th Asian Pacific Conference of Nephrology (APCN), Perth 17-21 September 2016 (Poster)


Ferrier C, et al. Succesfful pregnancy outcome in a patient with Turner Syndrome and renal malformation. A case-report. 48th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Nephrology. Interlaken 8-9 December 2016 (Poster)


Ferrier C, et al. Sudden severe hypertension: an atypical manifestation of primary hyperparathyroidism. A case report. 53nd Annual Meeting Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology. Darwin 4-6 September 2017 (Poster)


Ferrier C, Calciolari S, Bianchetti M. The role of ISO-9001:2008 certification for management and quality control in dialysis: the experience of a Swiss Centre. 49th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Nephrology. Fribourg 7-8 December 2017


Ferrier C, Regusci A, Naccini B, Passera O, Pingitore R, Vogt B. Renal tuberculosis wake-up call: A case report. 50th Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Nephrology. Interlaken 6-7 December 2018 (Poster)


Bontadelli F, Ferrier C, Jozefowski J, Vogt B, Pregnancy as a trigger for diagnosis of unknown maternal disease: the importance of early detection. 51 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Nephrology. Interlaken   5-6 December 2019 (Oral presentation)


Ferrier C, Rodoni-Cassis P, Vogt B. The impact of Covid-19 pandemic lockdown on renal patients Care. The Experience of a single Swiss Center. Abstract accepted at the cancelled 52 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Nephrology


Giuliano G, Vogt B, Rodoni-Cassis P, Ferrier C. The many faces of hypercalcemia: Diagnostic challenges in CKD patients. A case-report. Abstract accepted at the cancelled 52 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Nephrology


Bocchi  F, Vogt B, Rodoni-Cassis P, Ferrier C. Recurrent kidney stones behind a rare genetic disease: A case report of a Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome. 53 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Nephrology. Interlaken   9-10 December 2021 (Poster)


Ferrier C, Como F, Bocchi F, Vogt B. The Challenging Diagnosis of pseudohyperkalemia: Report of two clinical cases. 54 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Nephrology. Interlaken 8-10 December 2022 (Poster)



  • Titolare dello studio medico specialistico in nefrologia, ipertensione e malattia renali in gravidanza
  • Terapie emodialitica, dialisi peritoneale, dialisi per vacanzieri, trapianto renale in collaborazione con EOC
  • Collaborazione con l'Università di Berna
  • Consulente per le malattie renali in gravidanza e la nefrologia alla Clinica Sant’Anna, Sorengo
  • Consulente a disposizione della medicina ostetrica presso la Frauenklinik dell’Università di Basilea
  • Executive Director del Nefrocentro Ticino e Responsabile per il Quality Management System ISO-9001:2015 

Attività didattica

  • Docente studenti bachelor in medicina alla facoltà di medicina (Clinica universitaria di nefrologia e ipertensione) dell’Università di Berna
  • Supervisore di tesi di Master e Dottorato per gli studenti e assistenti in medicina dell’Università di Berna (Clinica universitaria di nefrologia e ipertensione)
  • Formazione per gli studenti di medicina dell’associazione ASTIM (Associazione Studenti Ticinesi di Medicina) per nefrologia
  • Supervisore e responsabile di formazione per medici assistenti in nefrologia (6 mesi riconosciuti SIWF-FMH)


Società Svizzera di Medicina Interna (SGIM)

Società Svizzera di Nefrologia (SGN)

Società Italiana di Nefrologia (SIN)

Australian & New Zealand Society of Nephrology (ANZSN)

Società Internazionale di Nefrologia (ISN)

Società Svizzera di Ipertensione (SSH)

High Blood Pressure Research Council of Australia (HBPRCA)

International Society for Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (ISSHP)

Australasian Society for Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (ASSHP)

Society of Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand (SOMANZ)

Gruppo di eccellenza ticinese di ipertensione arteriosa

Membro del board della Fondazione svizzera del rene

Dottori con questa specialità

Ärztezentrum Solothurn

Dr. med. Eszter Kaiser

Medicina interna
Clinica Sant'Anna

Dr. med. Barbara Quadri

Medicina interna

Meta Van Hettinga

Medicina generale, Medicina interna
Centre Médical Bienne

Dr. med. Lucija Papac Christoph

Cardiologia, Medicina interna
Clinica Sant'Anna

Dr. med. Alexandre Christophe Dikran Christinat

Oncologia, Medicina interna, Senologia (diagnosi del seno)
Clinique de Montchoisi

Dr. med. Marcos Del Cuadro

Medicina dello sport, Medicina interna