Anne-Isabelle Gasser

Psychologist, FSP neuropsychology specialist and certified speech therapist
Head of Speech therapy and neuropsychology

Areas of specialisation (1)

Contact me

Hospital (2)
Clinique Valmont
Route de Valmont 22
1823 Glion sur Montreux


  • The Neuropsychology of Pleasure, Dreaming and Memories, INS mid-year meeting, 1-2 July 2020
  • Subtilities and nuances in autism diagnosis, ASADIS, February 2020
  • 30th Annual Congress of the French Society of Pediatric Neurology, 15-17 January 2020, Toulouse, France
  • DGPPN Kongress 2019 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde, Berlin , Germany
  • High intellectual potential children and speech therapy, 25-26 September 2019, Bordeaux, France
  • 7th World Congress on ADHD, 25-28 April 2019

5th International Colloquium in French language on ADHD, 22.03.2018, Lausanne


Certificate of Aptitude for LSVT therapy, Aix-en-Provence, France


FSP Specialist title - Psychologist with Neuropsychology specialty


Master’s degree in Speech therapy, University of Geneva, Switzerland


Master’s degree in Psychology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland


Degree in Psychology, University of Geneva, Switzerland


  • Neuropsychological and language assessment of children beyond 8 years, adolescents, adults and the elderly
  • IQ tests and High Intellectual Potential assessment
  • Screening for dementias
  • Psychiatric pathologies (ADHD, schizophrenia, addictions, etc.)
  • Assessment of the ability to drive a vehicle
  • Assessment of the capacity for discernment
  • Clinical research


Work Experience

since 2016

Chief of Service, Neuropsychology and speech therapy, Clinique Valmont, Glion sur Montreux, Switzerland

since 2015

Scientific collaborator – research neuropsychologist, Fribourg Mental Health Network, Marsens, Switzerland

2007 - 2016

Head of neuropsychology-speech therapy unit, HFR, Billens & Riaz, Switzerland

2003 - 2006

Neuropsychologist and speech therapist, Hôpital Sud Fribourgeois, Riaz, Switzerland


Neuropsychologist, Clinique La Lignière, Gland, Switzerland

2002 - 2003

Speech therapy internship, CHUV, Neuropsychologie Department, Lausanne, Switzerland

2000 - 2001

Neuropsychologist, Hôpital Cantonal de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland

1997 - 1999

Neuropsychologist, Hôpital psychiatrique de Perreux, Boudry, Switzerland


Trainee Psychologist (adult psychiatry: projective and neuropsychological tests), Fribourg Mental Health Network, Marsens, Switzerland


Neuropsychology internship, Hôpital Cantonal de Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland


Neuropsychology internship, Hôpital psychiatrique de Perreux, Boudry, Switzerland

1995 - 1996

Trainee Psychologist (adult and geriatric psychiatry: projective and neuropsychological tests), Psychiatric Hospital of Malévoz, Monthey, Switzerland


Gasser, A.-I., Descloux, V., von Siebenthal, A., Cordonier, N., Rossier, P., Zumbach, S. (2019). Benton Judgment of Line Orientation Test: Examination of Four Short Forms. The Clinical Neuropsychologist.
Zumbach, S., Salamin, V., Gasser, A.-I. (2018). Consultation-liaison de psychiatrie de la personne âgée en institution : une expérience suisse. NPG – Neurologie, Psychiatrie, Gériatrie. 18 (106) : 212-217.
Gasser AI, Salamin, V., Zumbach, S. (2018). Dépression de la personne âgée ou maladie d’Alzheimer prodromique : quels outils pour le diagnostic différentiel ? L’encéphale. 44(1):52-58.
Gasser, A.-I., Descloux, V., Cordonier, N., Rossier, P., Zumbach, S. (2017). Specificity of symptom validity measures in a memory clinic setting. Poster presentation, 5th european conference on symptom validity assessment. Basel.
Gasser AI, Simko M, Rossier P (2016). Un cas de démence sémantique : apport de l'IRM cérébrale multimodalités en complément au bilan neuropsychologique. Forum Medical Suisse. 16(21), 476-478.
Gasser AI, Calabrese P, Kalbe E,  Kessler J,  Rossier P (2016). Cognitive screening in Parkinson's disease: comparison of the Parkinson Neuropsychometric Dementia Assessment (PANDA) with 3 other short scales. Revue neurologique, 172 (2), 138-145.
Gasser AI,Berrut C, Bodendorfer G, Laszlo A, Rossier P, Zukowski P, Theodoloz C (2014). Spectroscopie par résonance magnétique et  troubles cognitifs: une étude chez des patients âgés. Poster presentation, 30ème congrès de psychogériatrie de langue française. Besançon, France.
Gasser AI & Rossier P (2013). Neuropsychological correlates of visual hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease. Poster presentation, AD/PD 2013 - The Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Conference. Florence, Italy.
Gasser AI, Simko M, Rossier P (2012). Delayed Cognitive Impairment After Electrical Injury : Neuropsychological and MR Spectroscopy Findings in a 48-Years-Old Woman. Neuroepidemiology, 39 (3-4), 253.
Gasser AI, Kalbe E, Rossier P (2012). Validité concourante du questionnaire de l’humeur du Parkinson Neuropsychometric Dementia Assessment. Maladie d’Alzheimer et déclin cognitif : recherche et pratique clinique, 17, 82-83.
Gasser AI, Kalbe E,  Calabrese P, Kessler J,  Von Allmen G, Rossier P (2011). French translation and normation of the Parkinson neuropsychometric dementia assessment (PANDA). Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 310 (1-2) : 189-93. 
Annoni JM, Colombo F, Gasser AI (2011). Dépressions symptomatiques lors de démence: la neurodégénérescence n'épargne pas les réseaux émotionnels. Info Neurologie&Psychiatrie.

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