Privatklinik Bethanien

Dipl. med. Marius Philipp Thüne

Specialist in orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system,
member of FMH

Areas of specialisation (2)
Further accreditations (1)
  • Medizinisches Zentrum Haus zur Pyramide

Contact me

Hospital (2)

Praxis für Orthopädie am Zürichsee
Stockenstrasse 1
8625 Gossau ZH

Work Experience

since 2023

Attending physician, orthopaedics of the large joints and spinal surgery, Privatklinik Bethanien

since 2019

Attending physician, spine surgery and joint surgery, Spital Männedorf

since 2018

Practice activity, Vitalife Praxis für Orthopädie, Gossau

2016 - 2018

Attending physician, spine surgery, joint surgery and endoprosthetics, Franziskuskrankenhaus Eitorf, NRW, D 

2008 - 2018

Senior physician, spinal surgery and joint surgery, CURA Kath. Einrichtungen im Siebengebirge St. Johannes Krankenhaus Bad Honnef, D

2008 - 2018

Practice activity, Praxis für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Oberpleis, NRW, D

2005 - 2008

Resident, CURA Kath. Einrichtungen im Siebengebirge St. Johannes Krankenhaus Bad Honnef, D (Dr. med. Wohlfarth, Dr. med. Schmidtmann)

2004 - 2005

Resident, orthopaedic trauma centre, Parkkrankenhaus Leipzig Südost, D (Prof. Dr. med. Ascherl)

2002 - 2004

Resident, orthopaedic group practice Drs. Manthey, Lasch and Rose / Krankenhaus Neu-Maria-Hilf Göttingen, D

2001 - 2002

Resident, spinal surgery / orthopaedics and paraplegia centre Thüringen, Zentralklinik Bad Berka, D (Dr. med. Böhm)

2000 - 2001

Resident in military service, neurosurgery, Bundeswehrkrankenhaus Ulm, D (Prof. Dr. med. Kunz)

1998 - 2000

Internship doctor, Orthopädische Klinik Universität Göttingen, D (Prof. Willert)


  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arthroskopie, AGA
  • Deutschen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, DWG 



Diploma in spine surgery Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, DWG


Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery


Licence to practise medicine

1997 - 1998

Trauma surgery (Prof. Stürmer), elective orthopaedics (Prof. Willert), Universitätsklinik Göttingen, D

1991 - 1998

Study of human medicine, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, D

Doctors with this specialisation

Privatklinik Bethanien

Dr. med. Jens Mainzer

Orthopaedic surgery, Foot/ankle surgery, Achilles tendon rupture, Torn ligaments/ligament injuries, Heel pain, Hallux valgus, Morton’s neuroma, Osteoarthritis of the ankle View more
Hôpital de Saint-Imier

Dr. med. Stéphane Vasseur

Orthopaedic surgery
Privatklinik Bethanien

Dr. med. Gerardo Juan Maquieira

Orthopaedic surgery, Foot/ankle surgery
Rosenklinik Rapperswil

Dr. med. Mathias Fortunati

Neurosurgery, Pain therapy, Spinal surgery, Scoliosis and kyphosis – curvature of the spine, Osteoporosis – fractures in the spine, Spinal tumours and metastases on the spinal column, Spinal stenosis – narrowing of the spinal canal, Cervical spondylotic myelopathy, Intervertebral disc prosthesis | Artificial intervertebral disc, Herniated disc in the thoracic spine, Slipped disc in the cervical spine – cervical disc herniation, Herniated disc in the lumbar spine View more
Clinique de Montchoisi

Dr. med. Laurent Gillain

Orthopaedic surgery, Knee pain and knee surgery, Cruciate ligament tear, Knee arthroscopy, Osteoarthritis of the knee, Knee prosthesis, Cartilage damage, Meniscus tear View more
Clinique de Genolier

Dr. med. Daniel N'Dele

Orthopaedic surgery