Clinique de Genolier

Dr. med. Mimoun Benchaou

FMH Specialist in Otolaryngology
FMH Specialist in Head and Neck Surgery

Areas of specialisation (1)

Contact me

Hospital (3)
23 Rue du Fort–Barreau 120
1201 Genève

Work Experience

2005 - 2012

Certificate of ultrasound in head and neck diagnosis, Private Office of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery

2001 - 2004

Attending physician in Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, Clinique et Polyclinique d’oto-­rhino‐laryngologie et Chirurgie cervico-­faciale, Hôpital universitaire de Genève, Suisse

1996 - 2001

Fellowship, Clinique et Polyclinique d’oto-­rhino-­laryngologie et Chirurgie cervico-­faciale, Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois, Service ORL, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland:

  • Ear surgery
  • Nose & sinus surgery
  • Reconstructive Surgery in Oncology of Head and Neck (Loco-­regional and free flaps)
  • Interventional Endoscopy (Tracheal and Esophageal stents)
1995 - 1996

Fellowship, research in the inner ear: Department of Otolaryngology, New York University Medical Centre, N.Y, USA

1994 - 1995

Chief Resident, Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery: Clinique et Polyclinique d’oto-­rhino-laryngologie et Chirurgie cervico-­faciale, Hôpital universitaire de Genève, Switzerland

1991 - 1994

Residency, Otolaryngology : Clinique et Polyclinique d’oto-­rhino-­laryngologie et de Chirurgie Cervico-­Faciale, Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève, Switzerland

1990 - 1991

Residency, surgery, Marrakech, Morocco

1976 - 1983

College (Marrakech/Morocco)


  • 1991: International Exchange of the Faculty of Medicine of Casablanca. Thesis in Medicine «Peritoneal tuberculosis»
  • 1992: 2nd Price of the Annual meeting of the Society of Swiss Head and Neck Surgery


1999-­2004: Lecturer for nurses, HUG: Head and neck surgery (8hours /year)
1999-­2004: Lecturer, university of Geneva: cancer of upper aero-­‐digestive tracts, Diagnosis and management (8hours/ year)


1999 - 2002

University Hospital of Lausanne, Otolaryngology, Switzerland

1995 - 1996

NYU Medical Centre, University of New York, Otolaryngology


Swiss Medical Board of Otolaryngology


Doctoral degree in Otolaryngology (University of Medicine of Geneva)

1990 - 1995

University of Medicine of Geneva, Switzerland


Doctoral degree in medicine (Morocco)

1983 - 1990

University of Medicine of Casablanca (Morocco)


Bachelor degree in Science

Handouts Presentations


1. Benchaou M: La tomographie par émission de positrons dans le bilan des cancers ORL, Congrès de la Société Suisse d’ORL et CCF, Lucerne, Suisse, Juin 1992
2. Benchaou M, Montandon P: Modified wall-­up canal mastoidectomy with mastoid obliteration for severe chronic otitis media, 2ème Congrès européen d’oto-­neuro-­chirurgie, Courchevel, France, Avril 1993
3. Benchaou M, Montandon P: Evidement pétromastoidien en technique semi-­fermée dans le traitement de l'otite moyenne chronique, Congrès de la Société Suisse d’ORL et CCF, Vevey, Suisse, Juin 1993
4. Benchaou M, Lehmann W: The role of FDG-­PET in the preoperative assessment of N-staging in head and neck cancer, ORLAS, Salzbourg, Autriche, Octobre 1995
5. Benchaou M: FGD-­PET in ENT cancers, Pittsburg, USA Novembre 1995
6. Benchaou M, Pasche P: Reconstruction par lambeaux libres des cancers VADS, 2ème Congrès Européen de chirurgie cervico-­faciale, Lille, France, Novembre, 2001
7. Benchaou M, Pasche P: Fentes labio-­palatines, Congrès de la Société Suisse d’ORL et CCF, Pontresina,Suisse, Juin 2002


Articles and chapters

1. ­Benchaou M, Pasche P: Fentes labio-­palatines unilatérales
2. Benchaou M, Lang FJ: Invasive fungal rhinosinuistis, Rev Med Suisse Romande.2002 Jun; 122(6) :277-­9
3. Benchaou M, Lehmann W, Slosman DO, Becker M, LemoineR, Rufenacht D, Donath A: The role of FDG-­PET in the preoperative assessment of N-­staging in head and neck cancers. Acta Otolaryngol.1996 Mar, 116(2): 332-­5
4. Montandon P, Benchaou M, Guyot JP: Modified wall-­up canal mastoidectomy with mastoid obliteration for severe chronic otitis media. ORL J otorhinolaryngol Relat spec.1995 Jul-­Aug; 57(4): 198-­201
5. Lehmann W, Benchaou M, Slosman DO, Towsend D, Ryser JE, Widmann JJ, Rufenacht D, Lacroix JS, Donath A: Positrons emission tomography (PET) in the preoperative evaluation of cervical lymph nodes metastses of ENT cancers. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax .1993 Dec 14; 82(50): 1457-­61
6. Benchaou M, Lehmann W: Cancers des VADS In Dulguerov P, Remacle M Textbook: Précis d’audiophonologie et de déglutition. Solal éditeur, Marseille, 2003
7. Benchaou M, Dulguerov P: Chirurgie endoscopique des VADS In Dulguerov P, Remacle M: Précis d’audiophonologie et de déglutition. Solal éditeur, Marseille, sous presse, 2003

Doctors with this specialisation

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