Clinique Générale Ste-Anne

Dr. med. Rémy Boscacci

Specialist in infectious diseases and general internal medicine, member of the FMH

Areas of specialisation (2)

Contact me

Hospital (1)

Rte de la Résidence 5
1741 Cottens

Work Experience

since 2018

Member of the Board of Directors of NewIndex SA

since 2016
  • Member of CODEMS (advisory capacity)
  • Member of the Committee of the CCM (Swiss Conference of Cantonal Medical Societies)
  • Member of the Board of Directors of Clinique la Lignière, Gland (VD)
since 2014

Staff doctor at Clinique Générale Ste-Anne and Hôpital Daler, Fribourg

since 2013

Doctor in charge of hospital hygiene at Clinique Générale St. Anne and Hôpital Daler, Fribourg

since 2012
  • President of the Commission for Old People's and Nursing Homes and representative of doctors working in old people's and nursing homes for the canton of Fribourg.
  • Vice-President of the SMCF (Medical Society of the Canton of Fribourg).
  • President of the IPK (Commission for Professional Interests) and responsible for the tariff for outpatient medical services (TarMed) of the SMCF.
  • SMCF delegate in the Medical Association of the FMH
since 2010
  • Primary care doctor in practice in Cottens, Fribourg
  • Attending doctor at the Home médicalisé St. Martin de Cottens, Fribourg
  • Accredited physician at the Daler Hospital, Fribourg, as a specialist in infectious diseases
2004 - 2010

Assistant doctor in infectious diseases, Inselspital Bern, Prof. M. Täuber

2003 - 2004

Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, Universitätsspital Basel-Stadt, Prof. J. Schifferli


Surgical assistant, Ospedale Civico di Lugano, Prof. S. Martinoli

2000 - 2001

Assistant doctor of Internal Medicine, Medizinische Universitätsklinik Kantonsspital Liestal, Prof. W. Zimmerli



FMH accreditation for diagnostic radiology with intensive dosing in practice


SGUM-FMH accreditation in clinical ultrasonography

  • MD-PhD in Immunology, University of Bern
  • FMH accreditation for in-office laboratories
  • FMH accreditation for in-office diagnostic radiology

FMH specialist title in infectious diseases

  • FMH specialist title in internal medicine
  • ACLS Provider (American Heart Association)

Doctorate in Medicine, University of Basel, Switzerland


  • Assessment and follow-up of patients with infectious problems, including foreign body infections (e.g. prostheses)
  • Travel medicine (pre-travel advice and vaccinations, yellow fever vaccinations, patient assessment in the event of illness after a stay in a tropical country)
  • Assessment and follow-up of patients with internal medicine problems
  • Abdominal ultrasound, conventional radiology


since 2017

SSTTM Swiss Society of Tropical and Travel Medicine

since 2012

SGUM Société Suisse d’Ultrasonographie 

since 2010
  • SGAIM Swiss Society of General Internal Medicine
  • SSI Swiss Society of Infectiology
  • SSTMP Swiss Society of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
  • SMCF Medical Society of the Canton of Fribourg
since 2003

FMH Medicines and Health Federation


S. Leib, R. Boscacci, O. Gratzl, W. Zimmerli. Predictive value of cerebrospinal fluid lactate level versus CSF/blood glucose ratio for the diagnosis of bacterial menigitis following neurosurgery. Clin. Infect. Dis. 1999; 29: 69-74.

Matthias Briel, Rémy Boscacci, Hansjakob Furrer and Heiner C. Bucher. Adjunctive corticosteroids for pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia in patients with HIV infection: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMC Infect Dis. 2005 Nov 7;5:101.

R. Boscacci und S. L. Leib. Menigokokkeninfektion: Zwei Fälle zur Breite des Klinischen Spektrums. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax. 2006 Oct 25;95(43):1675-8.

R. T. Boscacci, T. Buclin, H. Furrer, C. A. Fux. A case of voluntary intoxication with efavirenz and lamivudine. AIDS. 2006 Jun 12;20(9):1352-4

Buonomano R, Brinkmann F, Leupin N, Boscacci R, Zimmermann A, Muller N, Fux CA. Holliday souvenirs from the Mediterranean: Three instructive cases of visceral leishmaniasis. Scand J Infect Dis. 2009 Jul 10:1-6.

R. T. Boscacci, F. Pfeiffer, K. Gollmer, A. I. Checa Sevilla, A. M. Martin, S. Fernandez Soriano, D. Natale, S. Henrickson, U. H. von Andrian,Y. Fukui, M. Mellado, U. Deutsch, B. Engelhardt, and J. V. Stein. Comprehensive analysis of lymph node stroma-expressed Ig superfamily members reveals redundant and non-redundant roles for ICAM-1, ICAM-2 and VCAM-1 in lymphocyte homing. Blood. 2010 Aug 12;116(6):915-25.

Steiner O., Coisne C., Cecchelli R., Boscacci R., Deutsch U., Engelhardt B., Lyck R. Differential roles for endothelial ICAM-1, ICAM-2, and VCAM-1 in shear-resistant T cell arrest, polarization, and directed crawling on blood-brain barrier endothelium.  J Immunol. 2010 Oct 15;185(8):4846-55.

Abadier M, Haghayegh Jahromi N, Cardoso Alves L, Boscacci R, Vestweber D, Barnum S, Deutsch U, Engelhardt B, Lyck R. Cell surface levesl of endothelial ICAM-1 influence the transcelular or paracellular T-cell diapedesis across de blood-brain barrier. Eur J Immunol. 2015 Apr;45(4):1043-58.

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