Clinique de Genolier

Prof. Dr. med. Grégoire Chick

Specialist in hand Surgery, Orthopaedy and Traumatology

Areas of specialisation (2)

Contact me

Hospital (1)

Clinique de Genolier
Route du Muids 3
1272 Genolier

Work Experience

since 2014

Ass. Professor of Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery. Weill Cornell University, New-York

since 2009

 Aspetar. Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Hospital, Doha, Qatar. Consultant hand surgeon since 2009

since 2008

Microsurgery, hand and upper extremity surgery specialist, Clinique de Genolier

2004 - 2024

Hôpital Latour (Geneva, Switzerland)

2006 - 2010

Consultant hand surgeon. London, UK

2000 - 2006

Emergency Private Centre for Hand Surgery (SOS Main, FESSUM), Aix-en-Provence, France

1996 - 2000

Chef de clinique des Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat, Paris (SOS Main), Hôpital Bicêtre (Paris)


Hand surgery is at the crossroads of many specialties and aims to give back to the hand its function of a communication tool as well as a social link.

Its interest is focused on upper limb injuries whether they are traumatic, congenital, or degenerative. The bone, vascular, nerve, and plastic surgeries as well as microsurgery are all necessary skills to have to treat pathologies such as :

  • Congenital hand differences
  • Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
  • Fracture and joint injuries (non union, malunion, vazcularised bone graft)
  • Joint replacement (elbow prosthesis, wrist, hand, fingers)
  • Trauma to tendons, nerves and secondary repairs (restoration of hand function after spinal cord injury, compartment syndrome, upper limb palsy)
  • Dupuytren’s contracture
  • Cutaneous lesions (tumours, cysts, soft tissue defect, burns and hypertrophic scares, bedsore) and their cover (skin graft, pedicle flaps), nails deformities
  • Microsurgery : replantations, free flap surgery, free vascularized toe transfer
  • Wrist and elbow conditions : arthroscopy, wrist and elbow joint replacement
  • Sports injuries to the hand and wrist
  • Work and leisure related condition



> 75 peer-reviewed scientific publications and > 86 book chapters in international text books.
> 90 presentations at national and international meetings, including keynote speaker, conferences, moderator and chair


2015 - Papaloizos M, Chick G. Manuel de chirurgie de la main et du poignet, Pathologies chroniques de la main et du poignet (Hand and wrist chronic conditions) Paris, Masson-Elsevier, 345 p.

2014 - Chick G, Papaloizos M. Manuel de chirurgie de la main et du poignet, Urgences (Hand and Wrist emergencies). Paris, Masson-Elsevier, 320p.

2013 - Chick G, ed. Acute and Chronic Finger Injuries in Ball Sports (Sports and Traumatology) Paris, Springer-Verlag, 868p


Depuis 2018 - Foundation for Hand Surgery: Education and Research. 

2014-2018 - Ghent University (Be). Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. PhD. "Benign peripheral nerve tumours: diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of resectable and unresectable tumours”


2012-2024 - Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the hand (FESSH). Accredited Training Fellowship in Hand Surgery. 

Depuis 2018 - Foundation for Hand Surgery. Education and Research. 

Depuis 2014 - Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University, NY, USA.

Depuis 2012 - Centre formateur post-gradué en chirurgie de la main (ISFM-SIWF-FMH) Réseau Romand, Suisse

Depuis 2009 - Academy for Sports Medicine, Doha, Qatar


2014 - 2018

PhD (Thèse de Sciences). Ghent University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Ghent (Be)


Swiss board of Hand Surgery, FMH, Bern, Switzerland

1996 - 2000

Fellowship in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, Pr Alnot/Oberlin and Pr Nordin/Masquelet, Paris University (Chef de clinique des Hôpitaux de Paris, 1996-2000).


Certified by the European Board of Hand Surgery, Bonn, Germany


Residency, Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Paris (Interne des Hôpitaux de Paris, concours 1990)


M.D. Thesis, Orthopaedic Surgery


Graduate Diploma in Microsurgery, University of Paris


M.D. degree, Paris University Medical School


Member of the American, Swiss and French Socities for Surgery of the Hand

Member of the American, Swiss and French Socities for Surgery of the Hand

since 2018

Foundation for Hand Surgery: Scientific board. Education and Research. 

since 2012

Member of the Swiss, French Societies for orthopaedic surgery

since 1999

Chirurgien de la main. Rhéa terre d’échange Nicaragua

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