Clinique Générale Ste-Anne

Dr. med. Nicolas Fleury

Specialist in urology and surgical urology, member of the FMH

Further accreditations (1)
  • Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

Contact me

Hospital (1)
Bd de Pérolles 14
1700 Fribourg


since 2009

FMH specialist in surgical urology, Geneva

since 2009

FMH specialist in urology, Geneva

since 2008

Fellow of the European Board of Urology

since 2007

Radiation protection expert, University Institute of Applied Radiophysics, Lausanne

since 2007

Doctorate in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva (10.12.2002) ATLS diploma

since 1999

Federal medical diploma, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva

since 1992

Baccalauréat (Ancient languages, Mathematics) at College of Candolle, Geneva


2010 - 2020
  • Various courses and presentations for doctors at Fribourg Cantonal Hospital
  • Further training for doctors based in the canton of Fribourg
  • Presentations to accredited doctors at the Daler Hospital
2006 - 2009

APP teaching for 2-3 and 4th year medical students.


Anatomy instructor, Anatomy Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva

Handouts Presentations

  • EAU (European Association of Urology), 2002, Birmingham: Poster: treatment of urethral strictures by laser urethrotomy: late outcome
  • EAU, 2007, Berlin: Poster: does prostate cancer multifocality preclude selective treatment of clinically relevant tumor foci
  • EAU, 2009, Stockholm: Poster: Prognostic significance of tumor volume after radical prostatectomy
  • SSU (Société Suisse d’Urologie): oral presentations 2004 - 2009
  • various congresses EAU (Vienna 2011, Paris 2012, Stockolm 2014, London 2017, Barcelona 2019)
  • various congresses AUA (Atlanta 2012, San Diego 2013, Orlando 2014, New Orleans 2015, San Diego 2016, San Francisco 2018)


In magazines with an editorial policy :

  • N. Fleury, J.-P. Vallée, K. Hadaya, P.-Y. Martin, C.E. Iselin : Magnetic resonance imaging as sole radiological assessment by living donor nephrectomy. Urol Int. 2010;84(1):56-60. Epub 2010 Feb 17.
  • Wirth G, Hauser J, Caviezel A, Schwartz J, Fleury N, Tran SN, Iselin CE: Robot-assisted surgery in urology. Urologe A. 2008 Aug; 47(8):960-3

In magazines without an editorial policy :

  • N. Fleury, C. Iselin : Dérivations urinaires cutanées continentes cathétérisables. Indications et suivi à moyen terme. Med Hyg 2004 : 62 :2407-2410
  • N. Fleury, J. Schwartz, K. Hadaya, P.-Y. Martin, C. Iselin. Prélèvement de rein chez le donneur vivant: l’évolution mini-invasive. Rev Med Suisse, 2007 ; 3 :2783-7
  • Fateri F., Schwartz J., Saaidia A., Fleury N., Tran S.N., Hauser J., Iselin C. KTP-80 laser endovaporisation of prostate symptomatic hypertrophy in patients under anticoagulant and/or antiagregant therapy. Rev Med Suisse. 2007, Dec 5 ; 3 (136) :2794-7

Abstracts presented at international conferences:

  • N. Fleury, F. Schmidlin, C. Iselin. Treatment of urethral strictures by laser urethrotomy: late outcome. Eur Urol Suppl. 1, 2002; 1(1):88. IF = 5,64. Présentation au congrès de l’association européenne d’urologie, Birmingham, 2002
  • N. Fleury, M.-F. Pelte, J.-F. Egger, C. Iselin. Does prostate cancer multifocality preclude selective treatment of clinically relevant tumor foci? Eur Urol Suppl 2007; 6 (2): 228. IF=5,64. Présentation au congrès de l’association européenne d’urologie, Berlin, 2007
  • N. Fleury, F. Herrmann, M.-F. Pelte, J.-F. Egger, C. Iselin. Prognostic significance of tumor volume after radical prostatectomy. Eur Urol Suppl 2009, IF 5,64. Présentation au congrès de l’association européenne d’urologie, Stockholm, 2009

Work Experience

since 2010
  • Urologist in private practice, boulevard de Pérolles 14, 1700 Fribourg
  • Registered physician, Daler Hospital, Fribourg
  • Registered physician, hospitals in Fribourg, Fribourg

Head of Clinic, Department of Urology, Department of Surgery, Geneva University Hospitals, Prof C. Iselin

2009 - 2010

Head of Clinic, Department of Urology, University Hospital of Rennes, France, Prof F. Guillé

2007 - 2009

Head of Clinic, Department of Urology, Department of Surgery, Geneva University Hospitals, Prof C. Iselin

2003 - 2007

Specialist in Internal medicine, Department of Urology, Department of Surgery, Geneva University Hospitals, Prof C. Iselin

2002 - 2003

Specialist in internal medicine, Cantonal Hospital Bruderholz, Baselland, Prof A. Huber

2000 - 2002

Specialist in Internal Medicine, Department of Surgery, University Hospitals of Geneva, Prof P. Morel

1999 - 2000

Specialist in Internal Medicine Department, Fribourg Cantonal Hospital, Prof. C. Regamey


Prostate cancer (histo-pathological features, tumour volumes, prognostic factors, focused treatment, MRI-pathology correlation, fusion biopsies, robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy).


SSU, 2006, Geneva: 2nd prize for best poster (use of MRI angiography in the pre-nephrectomy assessment of living kidney donors)


  • President of the Groupement des urologues fribourgeois.
  • Member of the managment board of the Groupement des urologues Romands.
  • Member of the Société Suisse d’Urologie (SSU)
  • Member of the Association Européenne d’Urologie (EAU)
  • Member of the Association Américaine d’Urologie (AUA)

Doctors with this specialisation

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Dr. med. Yassine Zarkik

Privatklinik Bethanien

Dr. med. Kuno D. P. Bigger

Clinica Sant'Anna

Dr. med. Marco Boldini
