Clinique de Genolier

Dr. med. Volker Kirchner

Specialist in medical oncology and general internal medicine, member of the Swiss Medical Association (FMH)


Contact me

Hospital (1)

Clinique de Genolier
Route du Muids 3
1272 Genolier

Work Experience

since 1998

Medical practice in internal medicine, oncology, haematology, Clinique de Genolier, Switzerland
Team leader for haematology-oncology, transfusion medicine, haemovigilance, pharmacovigilance, materiovigilance and Swissmedic compliance, Genolier, Switzerland
Clinical Affiliate, Memorial Sloan Kettering International Oncology Program, NY, USA
Haematology-oncology, Centre d'Oncologie des Eaux-Vives, Geneva, Switzerland
Haematology-Oncology, Groupe Médical de Chantpoulet, Eaux-Vives, Geneva, Suisse

2001 - 2003

Associate, Oncocare, Sonnenhof AG, Bern:, Head of laboratory, Sonnenhof AG, Bern, Switzerland
Team leader for the haemovigilance programme, Sonnenhof AG, Bern
Team leader for hospital hygiene, Sonnenhof AG, Bern

1997 - 1998

Fellow, Oncology-Hematology, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Center, New York, NY USA


Chief resident, Medical clinic 2, Prof. F. Waldvogel, MD, HCUG

1993 - 1996

Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Cell Biology Department and Beth Israel Hospital, Division of Signal Transduction, Boston, MA, USA: Prof. L.C. Cantley, PhD

1992 - 1993

5-month basic research position, Fondation pour Recherches Médicales, Prof. W. Schelgel, PhD, HCUG

1991 - 1993

Assistant chief resident, Medical clinic 2, Prof. F. Waldvogel, HCUG

1990 - 1991

Resident, Haematology, Medical polyclinic, Prof. PA. Miescher, Prof. H.Stalder, HCUG

1989 - 1990

Oncology resident, Haematology-oncology department, Prof. P. Alberto, HCUG.

1986 - 1989

Resident, Medical clinic 2, Prof. F Waldvogel, Hôpital Cantonal Universitaire de Genève, Switzerland


Doctor involved in vaccination campaign, Médecins sans Frontières


Originally from Brehmen, Dr Volker Kirchner studied at the Faculty of medicine at the University of Geneva, subsequently spending around a decade at the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, where he worked as a Resident, initially in medicine, before moving to oncology and haematology, working his way up to Assistant chief resident. He then spent a few months working in basic research at Geneva, before making his way to Harvard University in Boston, where he continued his education with a three-year research fellowship.

After this, he returned to Geneva for a further year, working as Chief resident at the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève before once again heading back to the United States. Around the turn of the millennium, Dr. Kirchner joined the prestigious MSKCC (Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) in New York, where he spent two years completing a fellowship in haematology-oncology. He has maintained close links with the MSKCC ever since, and has helped the Center create synergies with the Clinique de Genolier.

After returning to Switzerland, Dr Kirchner spent several years working at the Sonnenhofspital in Bern, part of the Lindenhofgruppe. After earning FMH certification, he joined the Clinique de Genolier in 1998, setting up his own practice. Dr. Kirchner is a man with many strings to his bow, working as a Team leader for haemovigilance, pharmacovigilance and materiovigilance for Swissmedic, the Swiss medical products authority, as well as being heavily involved in local policy within Nyon and carrying out studies. He earned a postgraduate diploma in economics and health administration. from the Faculty of Business and Economics in Lausanne, as well as a range of other postgraduate certificates and diplomas, including in pharmaceutics and palliative care.

The most recent additions to his portfolio have been the positions of Programme director at the Genolier Cancer Center and Member of the Advisory board of the Swiss Medical Network.


Treatment of anaemia in gynaecology: use of erythropoietin in gynaecological oncology and gynaecological surgery. V. Kirchner et Anaemia Working Group. Revue médicale Suisse, 15; 14.04.2005

Kirchner, V. Die fortschrittliche Anämiebehandlung in der Gynäkologie. Gynäkologie. 2003; 3: 24-27

Kirchner V. Ré-adaptation en oncologie médicale. Médecine et Hygiène 2000; 58:1186-92

Kirchner V, Aapro MS, Terrey JP, Alberto P. The cost effectiveness of granisetron compared to metoclopramide with dexamethasone. (Thesis, Geneva Medical School, Medecine et Hygiene, 1997)

Kirchner V, Aapro MS, Terrey J-P, Alberto P. Granisetron compared with granisetron plus dexamethasone. A double-blind cross-over study (European Journal of Cancer. 33(10):1605-10, 1997)

Kirchner V, Aapro MS. Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of New Drugs: the "Setrons" as an Example. European School of Oncology Monographs, 1996

Aapro MS, Kirchner V, Terrey JP. Is anticipatory nausea and vomiting a thing of the past.  Br J Cancer 1994 May;69(5):957-60

Joss R.A., Bacchi M., Buser K., Kirchner V., et al.(In behalf of the Swiss Groupe for Clinical Cancer Research, SAKK). Antiemetic efficacy of ondansetron plus dexamethasone is superior to ondansetron alone in naive and in patients refractory to other agents. Ann Oncol 1994 Mar;5(3):253-8

Kirchner V, Aapro MS, Alberto P, O'Grady P., Busch B, Boyce M. Phase I trial of MDL 73.147 EF: a new 5-HT3 receptor antagonist for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Ann Oncol 1993 Jun;4(6):481-4

Kirchner V. Pragmatic approaches to measuring costs. Anticancer Drugs 1993 Dec;4 Suppl 3:13-20

Beris Ph, Darbellay R, Jeannet M, Kirchner V, Miescher PA. A new case of the initiation codon mutation (ATG-ACG) in a Swiss family is the result of a recent spontaneous mutation.  Am J Hematol 1993 Mar;42(3):248-53

Kirchner V., Aapro MS, Terrey J-P., (pour le groupe Suisse d'étude sur le Granisetron). Efficacité antiémétique du Granisetron: une expérience en Suisse. Médecine et Hygiène 1993; 51:1510-1514

Aapro M, Achille E, Bolle J-F, Graber P, Keim D, Kirchner V, Kurtz J, Marin J-L, Rohner S. L'association MIVIP-radiothérapie bifractionnée dans les cancers infiltrants de la vessie.  Bulletin de la Société Francaise de Cancérologie privée, 1993; 25-34


since 2005

FMH CPD diploma in oncology

since 2001

FMH CPD diploma in internal medicine


Postgraduate in pharmaceuticals (HEC-Lausanne)


Postgraduate diploma in economics and health administration. Master in health economics and management. IEMS, HEC; Lausanne, Switzerland


Postgraduate certificate in palliative care (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne)


FMH certification in oncology, based on previous FMH haematology-oncology certification


Doctorate in medicine, Geneva


FMH certification in internal medicine, Switzerland


Certified member, ESMO (European Society of Medical Oncology)


ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates) certification


Diploma in medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland


  • Member of the Advisory board of the Swiss Medical Network
  • Chief operating officer, Genolier Cancer Center
  • Head of programme / Haematology-oncology, Medical affairs, Transfusion medicine, Genolier.
  • Secretary of the Medical commission of the Clinique de Genolier.
  • Chair of the Regional medical society.
  • President-elect for 2018-2019 of the Société Suisse d'Oncologie Médicale.
  • Member of the Swiss Cancer Network
  • Scientific member of the Forome Association
  • CCO of Genolier Cancer Center
  • Vigilance team leader (Genolier and Eaux Vives) working on haemovigilance, materiovigilance, pharamcovigilance, and compliance with Swissmedic and local authorities
  • Secretary of the Medical commission of the Clinique de Genolier
  • Member of the advisory board of the Swiss Medical Network
  • President-elect for 2018-2019 of the Société Suisse d'Oncologie Médicale
  • Vice-president of the Société Suisse d’Oncologie Médicale
  • Delegate to the FMH governing body
  • Delegate to the Swiss Federation of Specialities in Medicine
  • Committee member and former Vice-president, Swiss Cancer Network
  • Committee member and Treasurer of the Groupement des Oncologues-radiologues, Infectiologues et Pathologues Vaudois
  • Committee member of the Réseau Oncologique Vaudois
  • President of the Nyon-Aubonne-Rolle regional group
  • Member of the Central committee of the Fondation de La Côte pour l'Aide et les Soins à Domicile et la Prévention (of major significance, as the reorganisation of the regional healthcare system is currently at the application stage following the health network law of 2017 and the decree of 2016)
  • Local consultant in Nyon


The Centre du Sein SMN has successfully renewed its national certification!

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