Privatklinik Siloah

Dr. med. Andreas J. Schuster

Orthopaedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system, member FMH

Further accreditations (2)
  • Ärztezentrum Siloah Murten
  • Ärztezentrum Siloah Liebefeld

Contact me

Hospital (2)

Worbstrasse 324
3073 Gümligen


since 2018

Medical advisor at Depuy Johnson

since 2004


since 2003

Member of the Board Bernese Society for Orthopaedics BGO

since 2001

AO Alumni

since 2000

Medical advisor at Mathys Medical

since 1999


since 1997

Expert Group Knee of swiss orthopedics

since 1995


since 1993


since 1989


since 1987


Work Experience

since 2018

Medical Director: Siloah private clinic and independent attending physician (100%)

2015 - 2018

Chief Physician and Deputy Clinic Director/Medical Director: Siloah AG, orthosiloah

2011 - 2015

Consultant and Deputy Clinic Director/Medical Director: Orthopaedic Clinic, Spital Netz Bern Ziegler

2001 - 2011

Senior physician at the Bern Ziegler Hospital Network (Head Physician Dr. U. Wehrli 2003-2010 Orthopaedic Clinic, Prof. H.P. Nötzli from 2011 Prof. Dr. M. Weber)

1999 - 2001

Senior Physician Orthopaedics Zieglerspital Bern (Head Physician Dr U. Wehrli)

1998 - 1999

Senior Physician, Fribourg Cantonal Hospital (Head Physician Prof. R.P. Jakob)


Senior Physician Orthopaedics Bürgerspital Solothurn (Head Physician Dr. P. Bamert)

1996 - 1997

A-year Orthopaedic University Hospital Inselspital Bern
Resident in Orthopaedics (Head of Department and Clinic Director Prof. R. Ganz)

1995 - 1996

Senior Physician Orthopaedics Tiefenauspital (Head Physicians Prof. Dr. F. Nöthiger / Prof. Dr. H.U. Stäubli)


Senior Physician Tiefenauspital / Sonnenhofspital Bern

1993 - 1994

Assistant Surgeon Tiefenauspital Bern (Head Physicians Prof. Dr. F. Nöthiger / Prof. Dr. H.U. Stäubli)


Rega base doctor in Gsteigwiler

1990 - 1992

Assistant Surgeon Regional Hospital Interlaken (Head Physicians Dres. R. Zürcher / B.Noesberger)

1989 - 1990

Resident at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre Basel (Head Physicians G. Zäch / M. Mäder)

1988 - 1989

Assistant Anaesthetist Wolhusen (Head Physician Dr H. Bruckert)


Area of expertise knee:

Meniscus surgery (arthroscopy)
Cruciate ligament surgery (arthroscopy)
Dislocations of the patella and correction of the sliding bearing (trochleaplasty)
Therapy for cartilage defects
Treatment after muscle fibre and tendon tears
Manual medicine (SAMM)
Fractures and dislocations
Osteoarthritis (knee joint endoscopy, joint cleaning, leg axis correction, repair of Baker's cysts, artificial joint),
replacement surgery after artificial joint insertion
Follow-up problems after accidents, fractures, operations, infections


1981 - 1987

Medical studies University of Bern
Dissertation: 1987 University Clinic for Visceral Surgery, Inselspital, Bern' Frequency of postoperative testicular atrophy after surgery for recurrent or inguinoscrotal hernia, a retrospective study


Superior long-term survival for fixed bearing compared with mobile bearing in ligament-balanced total knee arthroplasty.
Heesterbeek PJC, van Houten AH, Klenk JS, Eijer H, Christen B, Wymenga AB, Schuster AJ. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2018 May;26(5):1524-1531. doi: 10.1007/s00167-017-4542-6. Epub 2017 Apr 7.

Reconstructive surgery for patellofemoral joint incongruency.
Neumann MV, Stalder M, Schuster AJ. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014 Oct 31. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2016 Mar;24(3):873-8. doi: 10.1007/s00167-014-3397-3. Epub 2014 Oct 31.

ACL reconstruction with physiological graft tension by intraoperative adjustment of the anteroposterior translation to the uninjured contralateral knee.
Bastian JD, Tomagra S, Schuster AJ, Werlen S, Jakob RP, Zumstein MA. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 2014 May 22.

Anteroposterior stability after posterior cruciate-retaining total knee arthroplasty.
Schuster AJ, von Roll AL, Pfluger B, Wyss T. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2011 Jan 14

Unicondylar knee replacement with a new tensioner device: clinical results of a multicentre study on 168 cases.
Campbell D, Schuster AJ, Pfluger D, Hoffmann F. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2010 Mar 20.

Borggreve-Van Nes rotationplasty for infected knee arthroplasty - a case report.
Dumont CE, Schuster AJ, Freslier-Bossa M. Acta Orthop. 2010 Apr;81(2):270-2.

Tension controlled ligament balanced total knee arthroplasty: 5-year results of a soft tissue orientated surgical technique.
Wyss T, Schuster AJ, Christen B, Wehrli U. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2008 Feb;128(2):129-35. Epub 2007 Dec 13.

Does total knee joint replacement with the soft tissue balancing surgical technique maintain the natural joint line?
Wyss TF, Schuster AJ, Münger P, Pfluger D, Wehrli U. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2006 Sep;126(7):480-6. Epub 2006 Jun 24

A new mechanical testing device for measuring anteroposterior knee laxity.
Schuster AJ, McNicholas MJ, Wachtl SW, McGurty DW, Jakob RP. Am J Sports Med. 2004 Oct-Nov;32(7):1731-5.

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