Privatklinik Bethanien

Dr. med. Claudia Tüller

Specialist in pneumology and internal medicine, member of FMH

Areas of specialisation (2)
Further accreditations (1)
  • Medizinisches Zentrum Haus zur Pyramide

Contact me

Hospital (1)

Lungen-Klinik Bethanien
Toblerstrasse 61
8044 Zürich

Work Experience

since 2019

Physician at the Lung clinic, Bethanien

2011 - 2018

LungenZentrum Hirslanden

2009 - 2010

Senior physician at the Pneumology department, Universitätsspital Bern (Prof. Dr. T. Geiser)

2007 - 2008

Deputy senior physician at the Pneumology department and outpatient clinic,
Universitätsspital Bern (Prof. Dr. L. Nicod)

2006 - 2007

Deputy senior physician at the Pneumology department and outpatient clinic,
Universitätsspital Bern (Prof. Dr. L. Nicod)

2004 - 2005

Senior physician, Medical clinic A, Universitätsspital Basel (Prof. A. P. Perruchoud)

2003 - 2005

Part-time traineeship (50%), Pneumology department, Universitätsspital Basel (Prof. M.

2003 - 2004

Part-time traineeship (50%), Department for intensive care, Universitätsspital Basel (Prof. Marsch)

2002 - 2003

Senior physician, Medical clinic B, Universitätsspital Basel (Prof. J. A. Schifferli)

2001 - 2002

Resident physician, Medical clinic A, Universitätsspital Basel (A. P. Perruchoud)

2000 - 2001

Resident physician, Medical clinic, Bürgerspital Solothurn (PD Dr. R. Schoenenberger)

1999 - 2000

Resident physician, Department for anaesthesia and surgical intensive care, Kantonsspital Aarau (PD Dr. O. Hilfiker)


  • Swiss Medical Association, FMH
  • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin, SGIM
  • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pneumologie, SGP
  • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pulmonale Hypertonie, SGPH
  • European Respiratory Society, ERS
  • ÄrzteGesellschaft des Kantons Zürich



Specialism in pneumology
Respiratory polygraphy


Specialism in internal medicine
Advanced Cardiac Live Support (ACLS)


Degree in Medicine and doctorate, dissertation under supervision of Prof. F. Mahler, Chief physician for angiology, Universitätsspital Bern: Effect of PTA and intra-arterial prostaglandin E1 on blood velocity in the femoral artery and on the laser doppler flux on the foot

1994 - 1998

Degree in Medicine, University of Bern

1992 - 1994

Degree in Medicine, University of Lausanne

Doctors with this specialisation

Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

Dr. med. Nasser Madi

Internal medicine
Privatklinik Lindberg

Prof. Dr. med. Christian Ruef

Infectiology, Internal medicine
Clinique Montbrillant

Dr. med. Barbara Lüthi

Internal medicine