Proctology and treatment of anal diseases


The intestine is one of the most important organs in the human body and plays a major role in our health. Many people are still reluctant to see a proctologist, but regular visits are important so that illnesses can be detected and treated quickly. If treated immediately, many diseases of the bowel area heal quickly and do not cause any further problems.

Proctology involves the treatment of any diseases affecting the rectum. The focus here is on the colon, the rectum and the anal canal. The most common diseases in the field of proctology include fissures, haemorrhoids, abscesses, lowering of the pelvic floor and anal tumours. It also includes the treatment of intestinal dysfunction, which can lead to faecal incontinence.

Symptoms vary greatly. If you experience persistent pain, itching, blood in your stools or problems with bowel movements, it is advisable to make an appointment with a proctologist.

Haemorrhoidal disease

Everyone has haemorrhoids. However, they can become enlarged and cause a variety of problems, which is known as haemorrhoidal disease and needs to be treated.


Typical complaints or symptoms include fresh blood (bright, red blood) during bowel movements, itching, or the haemorrhoids or anal mucosa protruding from the anus.


Symptomatic treatment (ointment, suppositories, possibly treatment for constipation) is recommended as soon as symptoms occur more frequently and intefere with anal hygiene.

If the symptoms do not disappear or recur within six to eight weeks, a rectoscopy or colonoscopy should be performed (for people aged 50 and over). Particularly in the case of bleeding, it is also necessary to check whether there are other sources of bleeding (inflammation of the bowel / cancer).

Haemorrhoids can be treated conservatively or surgically, depending on the diagnosis and how much the symptoms are impacting the patient. The most promising method of treatment is chosen, according to the severity and extent of the condition.

The most commonly used surgical procedure is Longo’s transanal stapled mucosectomy. Within a few weeks of the procedure, the haemorrhoids shrink, but remain in the correct place. In the past, it was more common for haemorrhoids to be removed, but this resulted in wounds and more pain for the patient.

As this procedure is performed inside the anal canal, no wounds will be visible. It usually lasts no longer than 30 minutes.

Aftercare and hospital stay

After the procedure, patients are required to spend one night in the clinic. After the procedure, it is important to adjust your diet to ensure soft bowel movements.


Coloproctology is a branch of proctology. As with proctology, it concerns diseases of the rectum, including the rectum and the anal canal.

However, coloproctology also covers conditions affecting the entire intestine and diseases of the pelvic floor. In addition to the treatment of typical proctological diseases such as haemorrhoids or fistulas, the focus of coloproctology is on the treatment of continence problems such as anal incontinence and problems emptying the bowel, as well as the treatment of weakness in the pelvic floor.

For more information


Treatment usually begins with an examination of the anus and buttocks region. The proctologist can obtain an exact picture of the condition of the rectum by means of a proctoscopy.

Surgical treatments

If a surgical procedure is necessary, it is performed under local anaesthesia or partial anaesthesia. Depending on the operation, this can be performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis. Due to the multitude of diseases within coloproctology, there are different surgical methods that can be used.

  • Resection of diseased tissue
  • Fistulotomy
  • Sphincter repair
  • Artificial sphincter implant
  • Minimally invasive procedure for rectal prolapse


When is gastric surgery necessary?

If the condition cannot be improved or cured through conservative treatment, gastric surgery is required. Surgery is often required in patients with stomach cancer or stomach ulcers, or if the stomach has to be fixed due to sliding back and forth.

What are the symptoms of a gastric tumour?

There are a number of symptoms that may indicate stomach cancer. As these can also be caused by other illnesses, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. Possible symptoms include persistent nausea, upper abdominal pain and a lack of appetite.

Gastroscopy is now used as a standard test for preventing stomach cancer. It is usually carried out routinely every two to five years from the age of 50.

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La Consulenza Rete Uno - Dr. med. Marco Toderi Brancaleone